Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Is Jay-Z and Beyonce's Daughter Going to be a Part of the Illuminati Too?

Although, I usually don’t engage stupidity in everyday conversations or debates (because it gives me a headache and I don’t learn anything new) I have no qualms about talking about the outrageousness of other’s absurdities on this blog. We’ve all come across people who have said something dumb ass hell at one time or another in our lives and a lot of times we ourselves were the ones spewing the dumb shit. Today the idiocy I am going to discuss involves some of our favorite stars and their involvement in a satanic cult named the Illuminati, which is supposedly so powerful it gives fame and fortune to people willing to engage in their satanic practices and coerce the masses into doing the same. Beyonce, Jay-Z, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Kanye West are some of the stars who have been unfortunate enough to have their names besmirched and associated with Lucifer, which I gather is not a compliment amongst anyone who doesn’t consider themselves evil. But now the Illuminati supporters are accusing Jay-Z and Beyonce’s newborn child of being a spawn of the Illuminati. Really people? I guess there’s no purity in infancy anymore.

I can’t help but link this type of irrational thought, connected to religion and emotion instead of rational thought-based principles involving physical evidence, to the Salem witch trials that took place in colonial Massachusetts during 1692 and 1693. And we all know how that ended, with nineteen innocent people being hanged (a lot of whom were wealthy) because of accusations levied against them for being witches, with the only evidence being the verbal testimonies of those who say they were afflicted by evil demons and spirits brought about by witch craft. The accusers said they were haunted by the apparitions or shapes of the accused. The court eventually concluded that the devil needed a person’s permission in order to use a person’s shape or form to haunt another and this is how the accused were linked to practicing witch craft. It sounds real crazy ass hell to you huh? Well, that’s exactly how it sounds to me when people start talking dumb shit about satanic cults involving some of today’s biggest stars. Can you imagine Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, etc., being put on trial and executed for rumors of being linked to a satanic cult without any evidence in the same manner of those in Massachusetts? Thank God we as human beings experienced the Age of Enlightenment which promoted the power of reason linked with scientific and intellectual knowledge separated from superstition…..Oh wait….this didn’t filter down to everybody or else I WOULDN’T BE TYPING THIS POST!

Since humans are highly complex individuals with an extraordinary capacity to reason (I’m going to give mankind the benefit of the doubt and say most of the time), one has to evaluate their fears, loves, thoughts and actions within a veil of intricacies attached to humankind and the realities of the world in which they live. America has been experiencing a recession for the past four years and it has devastated the American economy and stagnated growth in employment and decimated the housing market. Millions of Americans were left broke, unemployed and/or lost their houses due to this recession and the fact that it was brought about by the careless lending practices of banks and financial institutions did not add to anyone’s joy. It is no secret that the wealth gap continues to widen with the top 10% owning more than half of the country’s wealth, so there is an attitude of animus against the rich and wealthy in America (and some of it is indeed warranted) with the belief that it has been gained on the backs of the bottom 90%.

Some people can’t see Beyonce, Jay-Z or Kanye West becoming rich because they actually worked hard for it but because of nefarious factors at play such as belonging to an international cult built upon worshipping the devil and influencing fans to do the same (which I feel is an extreme form of nefariousness but what the hell). It also can also be a mirror into traces of envy, dislike and how people internalize their own financial failures by seeking to debase other people’s hard work because they are more successful than them. Hopefully, deep down, this is a part of the reason why people believe in the Illuminati, because if a person believes in the Illuminati because they think the devil is recruiting celebrity minions on Earth to do his bidding then you’re just delusional and should join the psychological ranks of the prosecutors and jurors of the Salem Witch trials who convicted and executed nineteen innocent people.

A YouTube video of this bullshit is below. You be the judge.

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