Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm Not a Fan of Religion

I'm not the most religious person in the world. I don't go to church and I'm not an avid reader of the bible but I do know about certain biblical scriptures and stories. I also took Theology in college which taught me about the history of the bible, the cultural context in which it was created and how it came into being. I do believe in God and Jesus Christ. My biggest problem with religion has to be the way people use it to cloak themselves in self-righteousness and persecute and subjugate others. I wish I could say that a small percentage of people use religion in this way but it seems, especially in America, that a large percentage of people do it and have done it throughout history.

The topic of the day that the religious establishment seems to be clinging to, in terms of demonization, is gay people. America just wouldn't be America if we couldn't find somebody to shame, marginalize, hate and isolate. I find it very ironic and amusing that the same people who use the bible to demonize gay people don't use it to demonize their own heterosexual fornication which is just as sinful in the bible as homosexuality. The bible I have read measures all sin as the same and relegates no sin as greater or lesser than the other. That's right; the bible says that the little white lie you told is just as sinful as someone who decides to murder another human being. The people in social circles that I hear preaching about how homosexuality is such an "abomination" before God are willing to give a pass to the fornication they engage in with Jojo or Keisha down the street, although biblically speaking it is just the same.

Every time I hear people use the bible against homosexuality I can't help but think about how religion was used in America to keep Blacks as slaves, to deny their humanity and devalue their self-worth. Those wonderful religious Christians from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries used the bible  to legitimize the dehumanization and exploitation of Blacks. I don't like hypocrites and I don't like motherfuckers who claim to be holier than thou all the while they're shit is stinking to high heaven. Please stop telling me about how homosexuality is such an exceptional sin that supersedes all the other sexual sins when you have 500 kids out of wedlock or have fucked twenty different partners as a result of your heterosexual fornicating escapades. Just stop! Because you look fucking stupid.

This video sums up my view of religion and hypocrisy perfectly.

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