Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Hulk Was Banging On My Wall!

I was talking to my sister three nights ago and she was telling me about something my father had said that was hilarious. I burst out laughing for a couple of seconds but before I could finish sharing the joke with my sister I hear my neighbor banging on the wall. *Blank Stares* I'm thinking to myself is this bitch crazy? Although, it was twelve in the morning, my laugh was short lived. Therefore, it did not warrant the preemptive knock on my wall as if I was going to be cackling for ten minutes straight. What pissed me off even more was that she interrupted an enjoyable moment that I was having with my family (which I cherish since I'm away from home for the summer) and I was not able to enjoy the rest of the conversation because my mind was on how rude this heifer was.

Mind you, I have listened to the Hulk (that's what I call her since she looks like a man and shakes the ground when she walks) laugh plenty of times next door and not once did I have the gall to bang on the wall to signal to her to be quiet. Would you like to know why I didn't do this? Because it was nothing more than a laugh that lasted a couple of seconds just like mine did. If you have a noise problem with me (which she never does because I am considerate) then knock on my door like a human being but don't bang on my wall like a fucking animal and think you're going to get a sensible response from me. She wouldn't have had a reason to knock on my door anyway since my laugh ended up being fleeting.

I'm one of those people that can tolerate a lot from people and it takes a lot to set me off but I'm human and if you do some shit to me that's off the wall then I can turn into an ignorant heathen real quick. This means that you have to disrespect me on a scale that is too large to be ignored before I have to address you. I have never been a person that has gone off at the slightest provocation because that is irrational. I'm sorry but turning the other cheek doesn't work for me all the time and neither does that walking away mantra bull shit. I have always stood up for myself and I will not allow anyone to walk over me or treat me in a manner differently than the way I treat them.

I could have easily walked next door and cussed her ass out but I didn't do that. Instead I've been watching stand up comedy routines for the last two nights in a row, laughing loud as hell at 2 o'clock in the morning and wishing this bitch would have the audacity to knock on my wall again. The night before I watched Richard Pryor, last night I watched Paul Mooney and tonight I will be watching Robin Harris. And while you might be saying that I should take the high road, at this moment I really don't give a fuck about taking the the high road, highway or any other fucking streets that's supposed to lead to some higher level of moral satisfaction and righteousness. I'll stop eventually but she brought it on herself with her asinine behavior. Now who's having the last laugh?