Sunday, July 1, 2012

Images of History from the Chicago Stylebook

Since, I am recognizing the power of historical authenticity in photographs; I bring to you my second post of Images from the Chicago Stylebook. My first one dealt with fashion in the 1940's but now I'm bringing it to the 1970's, the disco years. I love looking at the fashion of decades past, especially those of African-Americans because if you let a specific French Elle writer tell it, American Blacks now have a shot at becoming fashionable since the ascendancy of our President and First Lady Michelle and Barack Obama. (Sigh, this is part of the reason why the myth of  Black inferiority endures because of ignorant media portrayals such as these coded in polite language.)

The pictures below are from the photographer Michael Abramson who traveled to the South Side of Chicago in the 1970's and documented the vitality of its nightclubs. These photos come from his book titled, Light: On the Southside, which explores his exploits. The book also includes an LP set with Blues music. I plan on purchasing this book because the photos are amazing! Enjoy! You can click on the pictures to get a better close up.

Michael Abramson and a club patron

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